Profile PictureMaurice Vernier from 10x Sheets

Financial Model for SaaS

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Financial Model for SaaS


Welcome to the "Financial Model for SaaS" template! Use this template as a starting point to run projections for subscription-based businesses.

About the project

This is 10x Sheets, a project that curates battle-tested resources from experienced CFOs and seasoned business builders and makes them accessible by adding guides, modularity, and optionality. All resources are iteratively improved based on founders’ feedback to become better (the best) over time. Your feedback matters.

About the template

Contents: The template contains ..

.. a get started sheet that guides you through the model, from revenue drivers to expenses, and helps you with the terminologies
.. a revenue forecasting model based on acquisition, retention, and monetization
.. a headcount planning tool to understand the breakdown of headcount and payroll costs by department and plan your future hires
.. a software and licenses expense planning tool to track and forecast recurring software expenses based on headcount
.. a capital expenditure planning tool to calculate depreciation and net values
.. a separate assumptions sheet to summarize all assumptions across revenue and expenses sheets (above)
.. a separate actuals sheet to consolidate monthly closing actual results
.. financial statements (P&L, balance sheet, and cash flow statement) based on assumptions and actuals
.. charts to visualize assumptions or actuals

Map: The map below visualizes (1) the data flow expressed by the arrow above from left to right (from inputs in blue to outputs in grey) and (2) the priorities between input sheets. Actuals overwrite all assumptions. The aggregated assumption sheet overwrites revenue, headcount, software and licenses, and capex. The individual assumption sheets overwrite the get started sheet.

Get started: Read the template from left to right, starting with get started sheet. 90% of model functionality are covered in this sheet. The get started sheet asks for the most important important assumptions and guides you through the model.

In general, blue fields mark input fields and black fields are the result of calculations. Add/ overwrite assumptions in the blue fields as you like. Be careful when changing formulas (black fields). Sometimes you’ll need to add a row. Look for the … (three dots) and add rows above it to maintain the right calculations. Each sheet comes with instructions for each line. They explain where values come from, how they are calculated, and what they mean.

By default, this spreadsheet is set to 'United States’. This affects formatting details such as functions, dates and currency. To change the locale of the spreadsheet, go to File > Settings > General > Locale and select your country of choice.

Ever stuck and need help? Just reach out, We are happy to help.

Accessibility: We've designed our templates to be accessible and useful for all users. Our templates are built in blocks, allowing you to progress at your own pace.

Level 1: Get started quickly with our setup sheet, which guides you through the essential assumptions, revenue, and expenses. It's the perfect starting point for beginners.

Level 2: Dive deeper with more detailed input lines. We provide clear explanations on what to modify and what to leave untouched in the revenue and expenses sheets. This level caters to those who want more control and customization.

Level 3: Take advantage of our dedicated assumptions sheet. It summarizes all assumptions you've made across the model in one single view. Each block or level can be used independently with just a few tweaks. Some assumptions may require measuring key performance indicators, but don't worry, we have a vast knowledge base and a wide range of templates to support you every step of the way.

Optionality: We understand that every business has unique needs and preferences. That's why we provide you with the flexibility to choose the level of detail that suits you best. Whether you require a comprehensive balance sheet, cash flow statement, or just a P&L, we have you covered.

Are you interested in tracking subscription expenses per employee? You can easily input a single average value or delve into more granular tracking—it's entirely up to you. Our aim is to provide a solution that aligns with your specific requirements.

In our templates, we label many parts as optional, giving you the freedom to decide when to utilize them. Whether you choose to keep certain elements for future use or delete them for now, we empower you to tailor the model to your current needs.

While many SaaS businesses may seem similar, subtle differences can significantly impact their operations. That's why we offer a range of options, recognizing that a one-size-fits-all approach may not be the most effective solution for everyone. You can customize and adapt your financial modeling to match your unique circumstances.

Modularity: We recognize that while our model shares many similarities with your business model, there may be certain aspects where customization is needed. With that in mind, we have built our template to be highly modular, allowing you to effortlessly incorporate your own existing models or choose from our selection of modules.

With our user-friendly interface, adding your own models or integrating our modules into the template is a breeze. Simply copy and paste the desired module into the model, and you're good to go. And if you ever need assistance, our team is here to support you every step of the way. We'll work together to implement any necessary adjustments and ensure the model perfectly fits your requirements.

When it comes to SaaS businesses, our free modules provide you with valuable tools to measure and forecast key metrics. These include the SaaS Acquisition Funnel, Retention by Cohorts, MRR Build, and Revenue Forecasting Tool for SaaS. These modules are designed to enhance your financial analysis and provide actionable insights for your SaaS operations. Take a look below to learn more about these powerful tools.

Other templates and services


  • Implementation (1:1 with our spreadsheet and financial modeling team to adapt the template for your use case), $100/hour.
  • Custom model (1:1 with our spreadsheet and financial modeling team to build a custom model for your use case), $100/hour.
  • 1:1 with experienced CFO, $250/hour.

Templates to forecast SaaS:

  • Financial Model for SaaS (this template)
  • P&L for SaaS (incl. in this template)
  • Revenue Forecasting for SaaS (incl. in this template)
  • Unit Economics (CLV:CAC) for SaaS
  • Headcount Planning Tool (incl. in this template)
  • Software and Licenses Planning Tool (incl. in this template)
  • Capex Planning Tool (incl. in this template)

Templates to measure SaaS:

  • Acquisition Funnel
  • MRR Build
  • Logo and Dollar Retention Cohorts
  • User Engagement

Additional resources



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